Summer and Sun
Reviewed and fact-checked by Giulia Guerrini, Superintendent Pharmacist. Read our editorial policy to see how we create informative, accurate content.
This long awaited summer season has finally begun, and we all want to make the most out of the sun, enjoying outdoor activities, or just relaxing in our garden.
For most of us it feels good to get a bit of sunshine, and below sunburn levels it can be beneficial, not only for a general feeling of wellbeing, but also because sunlight is one of our best sources if Vitamin D. But as you might have heard, the UV light can also be bad for our skin, so it’s good to know a couple of tips in order to avoid damaging your skin.
Let’s start with the most obvious:
1. Choose the right Sunscreen.
When you shop for a sunscreen it is important to know what to look for.
UVA and UVB protection
It is important that the sunscreen you choose protects you against both UVA and UVB radiation.
UVA (or aging-rays) penetrates deep into the skin and reduces the elasticity of your skin, causing signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and sun spots.
UVB (or burning-rays) is what causes you to tan, but it is also the cause of sunburn. In the long term an over-exposure to both UVA and UVB will increase the risk of skin cancer.
Sunscreens that offer both UVA and UVB protection are sometimes called broad spectrum, and you should be able to find that stated in the product’s label.
At medino we want to make your life easier and we only sell sunscreens which protect from both UVA and UVB.
Another thing to check when choosing a sunscreen is the SPF, or sun protection factor. The British Association of Dermatologists recommends a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 as a satisfactory form of sun protection in addition to protective shade and clothing.
An SPF of 30 blocks 97 percent of the sun's UVB rays. Higher-number SPFs block slightly more of the sun's UVB rays, but no sunscreen can block 100 percent of the sun's UVB rays. It is also important to remember that high-number SPFs last the same amount of time as low-number SPFs. A high-number SPF does not allow you to spend additional time outdoors without reapplication.
Applying suncreen
Once you have chosen the right product for you, another important factor is how you apply the sunscreen on your skin. Especially if it’s the first time in the sun, remember to apply it at least 30 minutes before sun exposure and and to repeat the application every two hours, even if the products states differently. As well, there are many factors which can cause accidental and premature removal of sun protection products, such as exposure to water, sweating or towel drying — so be sure to reapply sunscreen often.
2. Look out for your tan
While getting sun tan might look great, it’s important to remember why our skin changes color. You are probably not gonna like it, but the truth is, a tan is actually a sign that the skin has been damaged and is trying to protect itself.
In response to UV light, your skin produces a pigment called melanin that protects your DNA from the kind of long-term harm that could lead to skin cancer, and as a result your skin becomes darker.
Careful, because a suntan can only offer a SPF of between 2 and 3. So the fact that you are already tan doesn’t mean that the sunlight is less harmful for you.
3. Try to avoid the hottest hours

Avoid the hottest hours in between 11am and 3pm.
UVB rays peak in intensity when the sun is furthest overhead, and are at lower levels in the morning and evening. On the other hand, because our atmosphere doesn’t do a very good job of filtering out UVA rays, the intensity of UVA rays remain relatively even throughout the day.
4. Eating right
Surprisingly, what we eat affects the health of your skin and how well it interacts with the sun. Including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory rich foods in your diet can, over time, help you increase your resistance to sun damage. In particular, the carotenoid family of antioxidants, found in colorful fruit and vegetables, can neutralise the sunlight-induced free radicals, which work to destroy cell membranes and DNA, causing aging and in some cases skin cancer.
Some of the foods which contains carotenoids are:
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Pumpkin
- Tomatoes
- Red-orange-yellow colored fruit, like Apricot, Cantaloupe, or Mango)
- Dark leafy greens
- Fish and seafood like Salmon, Trout, crustaceans or shrimps
We recommend to consume carotenoids from fresh food rather than supplements. Fresh food contains other antioxidants which work in synergy to protect our body from free radicals and provides our body with the right quantity of carotenoids which can then be converted to Vitamin A only in the amount the body requires.
5. After sun
If you overdo your exposure to the sun and end up with a mild burn, the following natural remedies can provide soothing relief. However, if you wind up with a serious burn, you will be wise to contact your doctor.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is without question the most popular of all sunburn remedies, for good reason. Aloe Vera plant contains a soothing and cooling gel which provides almost immediate relief for sunburn pain and helps the skin healing if you get sunburnt. It’s natural and feels good on the skin, especially after exposure to the sun.
At medino you will find Aloe Vera gel as well as other products containing this ingredient.
Calendula is an old remedy for healing burns, rashes, abrasions and other skin problems. When applied on irritated or sunburnt skin Calendula cream relieves inflammation and helps to accelerate skin healing.
It’s natural, it’s safe and of course you will find it at medino.
Tea Tree
Tea Tree Cream is another must have. This natural antiseptic ingredient soothes irritated skin and can be used for spots, cuts and other skin conditions. Try it out, you will find Tea Tree Cream at medino
Now that you feel confident enough and know how to deal with the bad stuff, our next recommendation is to grab a fresh juice, sit back, relax and have tons of fun.
Isn’t this what summer is all about?
Let the sun and good weather boost your mood and enjoy the summer as much as we do at medino!