Dermalo Bath Emollient 500ml
Dermalo Bath Emollient 500ml
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Dermalo Bath Emollient 500ml is a specially formulated treatment for dry and problematic skin. It contains 65% liquid paraffin and 5% acetylated wool alcohols, known for their moisturising and skin-softening properties. Dermalo Bath Emollient is designed to provide relief for conditions such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, senile pruritus, ichthyosis, and related dry skin disorders. It can be used in two ways: added to your bath water for a soothing soak or applied directly to wet skin after a shower. Dermalo Bath Emollient is suitable for all age groups, including babies.
Key features
- Deep Moisturisation: Dermalo Bath Emollient goes beyond basic cleansing, delivering deep moisturisation to dry and sensitive skin.
- Skin Softening: Dermalo Bath Emollient contains 65% liquid paraffin and 5% acetylated wool alcohols, known for their skin-softening properties.
- Ease of Use: It can be added to bath water or applied directly to wet skin after a shower, making it versatile and easy to incorporate into your skincare routine.
- Suitable for All Ages: Dermalo Bath Emollient can be used by adults, the elderly, and even babies, making it a family-friendly solution for dry skin conditions.
- Dye and Fragrance-Free: Dermalo Bath Emollient is a clear, oily liquid that is free from dyes and fragrances, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
- Symptomatic Relief: Dermalo Bath Emollient provides symptomatic relief for various dry skin disorders, including contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, senile pruritus, and ichthyosis.
What symptoms or conditions can be treated with Dermalo Bath Emollient?
Dermalo Bath Emollient is designed to treat dry or chapped skin conditions that may also be itchy, red, and sore. This includes contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, senile pruritus, ichthyosis, and related dry skin disorders.
What are the benefits of using Dermalo Bath Emollient?
Dermalo Bath Emollient provides deep moisturisation, softens the skin, and offers symptomatic relief for various dry skin disorders. It can be used by all age groups, including babies, and is free from dyes and fragrances.
How does Dermalo Bath Emollient work?
Dermalo Bath Emollient works by trapping moisture in the skin and restoring the skin's normal protective function. The active ingredients, liquid paraffin and acetylated wool alcohols, are not absorbed percutaneously but work on the skin's surface to provide moisturisation and softening.
Does Dermalo Bath Emollient contain any common allergens?
Dermalo Bath Emollient is free from dyes and fragrances. However, in rare cases, it can cause irritant or allergic skin reactions on extremely sensitive skin.
Can Dermalo Bath Emollient be used with other medications?
Dermalo Bath Emollient should be safe to use with other forms of medication. However, if you are unsure, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional.
The active ingredient: liquid paraffin (65% w/w) and acetylated wool alcohols (5% w/w).
The other ingredients: isopropyl myristate and macrogol isotridecyl ether.
Usage and Instructions
For adults, including the elderly, add 15 to 20 ml (1½ to 2 capfuls) to a standard bath of water. Immerse and cover the affected areas with the bath water and soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Pat dry with a towel. Alternatively, use a similar amount smoothed onto wet skin following a shower. Rinse off thoroughly and pat dry with a towel.
For infants and children, add 5 to 10 ml (½ to 1 capful) to a small bath or wash basin of water. Immerse and cover the affected areas with the bath water and soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Alternatively, repeatedly gently sponge
- Take care not to slip in the bath or shower
- Not for use on patients with known sensitivity to one or more of the constituents.
- The constitutents are normally well tolerated, but occasionally sensitivity (mild rashes) may occur, in which case stop usage.
Side Effects
In some rare cases it can cause irritant or allergic skin reactions on extremely sensitive skin. These rare effects tend to occur during or soon after the first few uses.
Stop using this bath emollient and tell your doctor or pharmacist:
- If your skin condition seems to look or feel worse.
- If any of the side effects become unacceptable, or you notice any other side effects not mentioned in this leaflet.
- If you swallow Dermalo Bath Emollient
If this product is accidentally swallowed, its oily ingredients may cause diarrhoea.
If this happens:
- treat the symptoms as you would deal with any case of diarrhoea.drink plenty of not attempt to cause vomiting.