Multi-Gyn Actigel 50ml
Multi-Gyn Actigel 50ml
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Multi-Gyn ActiGel prevents and treats vaginal discomforts, including bacterial vaginosis, unpleasant odour and discharge, itch and irritations. It also optimises the vaginal flora and condition of the tissue, counters yeast, and is safe and natural.
Key features:
- Prevents and treats bacterial vaginosis (BV)
- Reduces unpleasant odour and discharge
- Soothes itch and irritations
- Optimises vaginal flora and tissue condition
- Counters yeast
- Safe and harmless with no documented negative side effects
- Can be used for the prevention and treatment of discomfort
What symptoms or conditions can be treated with Multi-Gyn ActiGel?
Multi-Gyn ActiGel is a natural product that prevents and treats bacterial vaginosis (BV), reduces unpleasant odour and discharge, has a direct soothing effect on itch and irritations, provides direct relief of vaginal discomforts, optimises the vaginal flora and condition of the tissue, counters yeast, and supports the natural repair system of the tissue. It can be used as often as needed to prevent or alleviate vaginal discomforts such as itch, sensitivity, or irritation. Multi-Gyn ActiGel is safe and completely natural, with no negative side effects, and can be used alongside medication.
What is the active ingredient and how does it work?
The active ingredient in Multi-Gyn ActiGel is the patented 2QR-complex, a natural substance derived from plants that consist of bio-active polysaccharides. The complex has the unique ability to block adhesion of harmful bacteria, neutralising them effectively and supporting the natural repair system of the tissue. Multi-Gyn ActiGel also optimises the condition of the mucosa and installs the optimal vaginal acidity, stimulating the development of useful lactobacilli, which creates an optimal and natural flora that prevents discomfort. The natural blocking effect of the 2QR-complex is completely safe and harmless because it is not based on toxic substances or harsh chemicals, thus avoiding negative side effects.
What are the common signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection that can cause a range of symptoms, including thin, grey, white or green vaginal discharge, foul-smelling "fishy" vaginal odour, vaginal itching, and burning during urination. However, it is important to note that many women with bacterial vaginosis have no signs or symptoms.
What causes bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria that are naturally found in the vagina. Normally, the "good" bacteria, known as lactobacilli, outnumber the "bad" bacteria, called anaerobes. However, if there are too many anaerobic bacteria, they can disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina and lead to bacterial vaginosis. This can occur due to various factors such as using scented products, douching, having multiple sexual partners, and hormonal changes.
How do I use Multi-Gyn ActiGel?
You can use Multi-Gyn ActiGel as often as you please, each time you experience or wish to prevent discomforts such as itch, sensitivity or irritation. For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with undesired discharge and/or odour, apply in the vagina at least twice a day in ample quantity for a period of at least 5 days. For the prevention of undesired discharge, odour and related complaints, or to counter yeast, one application in three days is sufficient. More frequent application increases efficacy. In the case of vaginal discomforts like itch, irritations, sensitivity, redness and soreness apply Multi-Gyn ActiGel in ample quantity at least once a day or whenever relief is desired.
Can Multi-Gyn ActiGel be used with other medication?
Yes, Multi-Gyn ActiGel does not interfere with other medications.
Is Multi-Gyn ActiGel safe to use?
Yes, Multi-Gyn ActiGel is completely safe and has no restrictions on its use. It can be used next to medication. However, it should not be used longer than 30 consecutive days, so the vaginal flora can regulate itself without support.
Does Multi-Gyn ActiGel have any side effects?
There are no known side effects of Multi-Gyn ActiGel, except that the use of Multi-Gyn ActiGel may reduce the activity of sperm. Therefore, ActiGel should not be used in the hours before or after intercourse when you wish to become pregnant.
Can Multi-Gyn ActiGel be used during pregnancy and lactation?
Yes, there are no known contraindications for the use of Multi-Gyn ActiGel during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Galactoarabinan Polyglucoronic Acid Crosspolymer*, Xanthan Gum, Glycerin, Caprylyl Gylcol
*2QR:pateneted bio-active polysaccarides
Usage and Instructions
- For treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with undesired discharge and/or odour, apply to the vagina at least twice a day in ample quantity for at least five days.
- For prevention of undesired discharge, odour and related complaints, or to counter yeast, one application per three days is sufficient. More frequent application increases the efficacy.
- In case of vaginal discomforts such as itch, irritation, sensitivity, redness and soreness apply Multi-Gyn ActiGel in ample quantity at least once a day or whenever relief is desired.
Please note: After application you may experience a tingling sensation. This sensation is normal and will quickly disappear. Multi-Gyn ActiGel is completely safe and has no restrictions in its use.
It can be used next to medication without any problem.
The symptoms of BV are: Greyish-white discharge, unpleasant fish-like odour, itching, possible burning during urination, but no swelling. Treat with Multi-Gyn ActiGel.
The symptoms of thrush are: White, yeasty discharge, usually thick but can be watery, intense itching, burning, soreness and swelling.
- Multi-Gyn ActiGel should not be used longer than 30 days in one treatment period.
- In case of persistent or recurrent complaints you should always contact your physician.
- Multi-Gyn ActiGel is a natural product, based on the bio-active 2QR-complex in combination with Aloe Barbadensis that acts as a tissue conditioner and pH buffer. Multi-Gyn ActiGel has no fragrances and no ingredients of animal origin. It has no harsh chemicals, no preservatives or hormones and is safe and harmless. It does not affect condoms.
- Allergies to the ingredients of Multi-Gyn ActiGel are very rare. We advice, when you have a known allergy to herbal substances, to try a little bit of Multi-Gyn ActiGel on the inside of the forearm. When an itching red spot appears, allergy can be concluded to one of the ingredients in Multi-Gyn ActiGel. In this case we advice you not to use Multi-Gyn ActiGel.
Side Effects
Multi-Gyn ActiGel has an optimal vaginal acidity and sperm is alkaline, the use of Multi-Gyn ActiGel may reduce the activity of sperm. Therefore ActiGel should not be used in the hours directly after intercourse when there is a wish to become pregnant.